Capitol Connect
BIA launched its Capitol Connect program with local and regional chambers of commerce throughout New Hampshire in 2008.
Capitol Connect is an affiliate membership for small businesses employing 10 or fewer employees. Small business members, who are also members of participating Capitol Connect chambers of commerce, receive a no-cost, affiliate membership in the BIA. They remain affiliate members as long as they stay members of their local chamber.
Why Capitol Connect?
Small business owners and managers are busy with day-to-day operations and may not always have time to stay connected to what’s happening in Concord. Similarly, while local chambers of commerce are heavily engaged in many pressing community and regional issues, they may not have the time or staff to maintain a presence at the State House. Capitol Connect helps fill this need and, at the same time, allows the BIA to present a stronger, unified voice for the business community.
Capitol Connect extends many BIA membership benefits to small businesses at no cost. These benefits include:
- More direct access to the deliberations of the New Hampshire Legislature, governor and state agencies whose work often impacts your bottom line;
- Periodic “call-to-action” communications from the BIA on legislative matters affecting the business community;
- E-Brief, a weekly electronic publication highlighting BIA’s position on public policy issues and other matters;
- Legislative Review, a weekly electronic publication (during the legislative session) that tracks all business-related bills introduced into the NH Legislature; and
- BIA member pricing for all events to which the public is invited.

Is your chamber of commerce a participating Capitol Connect chamber?
The following chambers of commerce are participating in Capitol Connect and, as such, their small businesses members are eligible for affiliate membership in the BIA:
Central NH Chamber of Commerce
Exeter Area Chamber of Commerc
Greater Derry Londonderry Chamber of Commerce
Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce
Greater Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce
Greater Hudson Chamber of Commerce
Greater Monadnock Collaborative regional chamber of commerce
Greater Merrimack-Souhegan Valley Chamber of Commerce
Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce
Southern New Hampshire Chamber of Commerce
Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce
Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce
Littleton Area Chamber of Commerce
Meredith Chamber of Commerce
Greater Nashua Chamber of Commerce
Mt Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce
Somersworth Community Chamber of Commerce
Upper Valley Business Alliance
Twin Mountain-Bretton Woods Chamber of Commerce
Western White Mountains Chamber of Commerce
Wolfeboro Area Chamber of Commerce
If you are a Capitol Connect member and want to receive our informative weekly Legislative Review and E-Brief emails, please email us to be added to the list.