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Technology Policy Committee

The Technology Policy Committee drives BIA's advocacy for state support, incentives and pro-growth policies to attract and retain businesses in innovative economic sectors such as life sciences, next-generation manufacturing and high-tech. The committee addresses issues relating to telecommunications and high-speed internet connectivity by employers throughout New Hampshire, including expansion of the 5G network and other radio frequency technologies, regulations on data privacy, cyberthreat protections and data breach reporting.

Meeting Agenda

Friday, April 4, 2025
​8:30 – 9:30 a.m.

Please note: BIA’s policy committee meetings are for BIA members only and invited guests of the BIA.



8:30 a.m.: Welcome and committee member introductions

8:35 a.m.: Speaker: Caitlin Fennessy, IAPP

9 a.m.: Review of legislation being tracked by the committee.

9:25 a.m.: Update on upcoming meetings and guest speakers, and a highlight of upcoming BIA events.

9:30 a.m. Adjourn

Upcoming Meeting Schedule

Friday, May 2


Committee Chair: Cam Shilling, McLane Middleton

Chris Hodgdon

Vice Chair: Christopher Hodgdon, Comcast


BIA staff contact: DJ Burke, Manager of Public Policy & Advocacy, 224.5388 x112